John Pinamonti Roots MusicianOver 6 albums and hundreds of gigs, John Pinamonti has honed his gentle, husky voice as well as his song craft and multi-instrumental abilities, and is just as at home playing solo as he is driving his trio or quartet.

Born in Los Angeles, JP grew up in San Antonio and Portland (OR).  He started playing music in his early teens, influenced by an uncle who played fiddle, guitar and sang.  It was from these earliest days (and the uncle’s offer of an electric guitar if he learned 6 chords!) that JP developed a sense of how to deliver a song, how to engage the listener, and how to entertain.  Even though he became a self-confessed guitar geek in his late teens and early twenties, he never lost track of that earlier feeling of one man with one guitar and his voice, laying it down.

After spending 4 years on and off the road with Ghanian master drummer Obo Addy (what JP refers to as “grad school”), he finally decided it was time to do his own thing.  When he tapped back into his roots in the West as well as his knowledge of musical traditions, what started to come out is what you’ll hear here on this site, or when you hear him live, performing throughout the New York City area.